Xebo (Survey2Connect) is a survey platform powered by AI to investigate your business challenges, analyze, and explore viable solutions, and devise groundbreaking strategies.

  • • CX Research
  • • Digital Research
  • • Brand Experience
  • • Employee Experience
  • • Audience

Key features of the Xebo solution include:

Survey Creation and Design:

With Xebo, users can easily create customized surveys using a user-friendly interface. It provides a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, rating scales, open-ended, and more. Users can also customize survey themes, branding, and layouts to align with their organization's visual identity.

Omni-channel Survey Distribution:

The solution allows surveys to be distributed through multiple channels, including email, SMS, web links, social media, and embedded surveys on websites or mobile apps. This flexibility ensures a wider reach and higher response rates, capturing feedback from diverse audiences.

Real-time Feedback Collection:

Xebo supports real-time feedback collection, enabling businesses to capture feedback at various touchpoints along the customer journey or employee lifecycle. This includes post-purchase surveys, event feedback, employee engagement surveys, and more. Real-time feedback ensures timely insights and the ability to address issues promptly.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics:

The solution provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing users to generate insightful reports and visualize survey data in real-time. Users can access pre-built templates or create custom reports, apply filters, and perform in-depth analysis to uncover trends, patterns, and correlations. Visualizations such as charts, graphs, and heatmaps help to simplify data interpretation.

Text and Sentiment Analysis:

Xebo incorporates advanced text and sentiment analysis techniques to extract meaningful insights from open-ended survey responses. Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms analyze text data, identify sentiments, and categorize feedback into themes or topics. This helps organizations understand customer sentiment, identify emerging issues, and take proactive actions.

Action Planning and Collaboration:

The solution facilitates action planning and collaboration among teams by providing tools to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. Users can create action plans based on survey insights, delegate responsibilities, and monitor the status of actions taken. This ensures that feedback is acted upon, leading to tangible improvements and enhanced customer or employee satisfaction.

Integration and Automation:

Xebo offers seamless integration with other business systems, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Human Resources Management (HRM) platforms. This enables data synchronization and automate processes, saving time and effort in data entry and analysis.

Security and Compliance:

The solution prioritizes data security and compliance with industry standards. It ensures data encryption, user authentication, and role-based access control to protect sensitive information. It also complies with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), ensuring the privacy rights of survey participants.
